Spring 2023
Welcome to the SPRING issue of the BMTA Newsletter
The issue of STEM skills shortages is a perennial one and one that governments periodically attempt – not always successfully – to fix. In this issue we hear from a leading course provider on some of the factors influencing these shortages and what’s being done to address them.
We also hear about a novel initiative designed to get more children interested in survey work. Get Kids Into Survey does what it says on the binocular case. Using games, virtual reality demos and comics, the programme is working hard to ensure that careers in the geospatial industry get the coverage they need among the drive for STEM skills. The NPL is doing its bit with a new scheme to accelerate innovation and increase confidence in product development.
Elsewhere in this issue, Carl Wordsworth, Head of Water Sector, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory, gives us two-part article covering the basics of measurement uncertainty. He gives a worked example of how measurement uncertainty can be used to determine the level of uncertainty when measuring the volume of a cylindrical tank.
As ever, we encourage new members and invite you to get in touch if you’d like to join our network.
Enjoy the read.
Hazel Davis
Editor – BMTA Newsletter
Page 2 – Meet our Newsletter Contributors
Page 10 – How UK STEM shortages are impacting the metrology industry
Lauren Wakeling, UK country manager, CoursesOnline
Page 12 – How the NPL is investing in innovation
Measurement for Business (M4B) making tracks
Page 14 – Independent Review of the Construction Product Testing Regime
Calls for simplified and strengthened construction product regulation
Page 16 – Getting kids into survey
What UK metrology can learn from the Get Kids Into Survey campaign
Page 20 – Clarifying measurement uncertainty (Part 1)
Carl Wordsworth, Head of Water Sector, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Page 24 – Clarifying measurement uncertainty (Part 2)
Carl Wordsworth, Head of Water Sector, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
To help us provide our BMTA members with useful information we would like your help to:
- identify and share relevant topics;
- provide research on new technologies or techniques;
- let us know industry news;
- promote events and training sessions;
- inform us of publications you think may be of interest to your fellow BMTA members.
If you would like to contribute to the next issue of the BMTA Newsletter please contact editor@bmta.co.uk with a brief synopsis.
Equally, should your business produce any information, white papers or interviews that you would like to share, please submit this to enquiries@bmta.co.uk.