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BMTA Newsletter Autumn 2020

Welcome to the Autumn issue of the BMTA Newsletter

This issue looks towards the 4th industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0 as it is generally known, and its possible impact on Measurement, Testing and Calibration.

But what exactly is AR, VR, AI and XR and how does it fit within, and benefit, our business? Discover the terminology and how these technologies are being used for manufacturing, product development and training across a wide variety of markets.

Staying within the realm of forward-thinking technology, we also take a look at automated calibration in non-automated devices and how digital multi-meter calibration is being transformed by purpose-built robots. What might this breakthrough mean for other highly manual tasks?

The 4th industrial revolution is already here. This issue takes note of how we can use it to our advantage.

To help us provide our BMTA members with useful information we would like your help to:

  • identify and share relevant topics;
  • provide research on new technologies or techniques;
  • let us know industry news;
  • promote events and training sessions;
  • inform us of publications you think may be of interest to your fellow BMTA members. 

Contact us at

Laura Vallis
Editor – BMTA Newsletter



Page 2 – Editor’s note

Page 3 – Meet our Newsletter contributors

Page 4 – News

Page 8 – VR and AR in manufacturing: An introduction

By Dr Luke Boormand and Mike Lewis, both of AMRC

Page 12 – Using digital transformation to benefit your business

By Tim Daniels, Autoscribe

Page 14 – Automated calibration of non-automated devices

By Matt Gypps, Trescal

Page 16 – Industry 4.0 and the impact on the measurement, testing and calibration process

By Brian Waterfield Consultancy Ltd

Page 18 – Company Profile


To help us provide our BMTA members with useful information we would like your help to:

  • identify and share relevant topics;
  • provide research on new technologies or techniques;
  • let us know industry news;
  • promote events and training sessions;
  • inform us of publications you think may be of interest to your fellow BMTA members.

If you would like to contribute to the next issue of the BMTA Newsletter please contact with a brief synopsis.

Equally, should your business produce any information, white papers or interviews that you would like to share, please submit this to