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IMEKO Technical Committee 11 – New Focus

The TC11 is now being developed to build a network that would be able to share the latest achievements, knowledge, experiences, thoughts, views and ideas. TC11 is now inviting professionals in the fields of TIC (Testing, Inspection and Certification) to follow the activities of this TC. 

IMEKO TC11 intends to provide a forum on a global level for the organisation of international scientific and technical events, such as congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses and meetings, in a wide number of fields of interest, to include: 

  • Management systems and quality in the TIC sector. 
  • Regulatory framework for quality, safety and security of products and services (agri-food; environment; health; cybersecurity; communication; construction; IoT; AI; among others). 
  • Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies. 
  • Innovation and validation of methods. 
  • Sampling activities related to measurement. 
  • Metrological traceability, measurement uncertainty and conformity assessment. 
  • Proficiency testing, inter-laboratory, intra-laboratory comparisons and methods of quality assurance. 
  • Certification of reference materials and their use in laboratories. 
  • Certification of products, processes, management systems and persons. 
  • Management of information and LIMS. 
  • Development of standardisation. 
  • Promotion of international co-operation and with IMEKO TC’s. 

The LinkedIn page and group “IMEKO TC11 – Measurement in Testing, Inspection and Certification” will be a central point for information on TC11 activities and events: congresses, conferences, training, seminars and workshops that might be of interest and benefit to you and/or your colleagues. 


All details about the TC11 can be found on the IMEKO website: and TC11 webpage: