IMEKO TC-24 Conference: Chemical Measurements Towards a Sustainable Future
The Technical Committee 24 of IMEKO (IMEKO TC24) was founded in 2008 with the objective of providing an international forum of effective collaboration in all branches of chemistry. It aims to improve the reliability, comparability and traceability of chemical measurements in a large number of sectors, addressing industrial and monitoring laboratories needs and on site measurements.
Over the last few years, the TC 24 board has been completely inactive, while the changes in chemical measurements have been significant.
Tatjana Tomić, the chairman of TC-24 said: “I hope and strongly believe that with this modernly organised hybrid conference, with the help of new board members and in cooperation with TC-11 (“Measurement in Testing, Inspection and Certification”), will bring TC-24 back to the centre of scientific and professional events.”
Accepted and presented full-papers will be submitted for inclusion in Scopus after the event.
Call for Papers:
The need for new and advanced materials, products and services is a great challenge for both scientists and professionals. Active participation in this revitalised hybrid conference is encouraged to present your achievements, exchange ideas and make new contacts with colleagues. We invite you to join us and present your innovative results (paper / poster) to a wide number of colleagues.
Conference Topics:
- Applied metrology for everyday life.
- Environmental measurements.
- Measurements for food and agriculture.
- Measurements and sensors for health and medicine.
- Traceability and certificate reference materials.
- Traceability of chemical measurements in health sector.
- Traceability of environmental measurements in different matrices (water, soils, sediments, etc) at regulation limits levels.
- Measurement traceability in conformity assessment.
- Traceability of on-site measurements.
- Chemical and biochemical sensors.
- Drug delivery monitoring and assessment.
- Measurements in energy and advanced fuels development.
- Data integrity in chemical laboratory.
- Identifying the unknown, beyond the classical analysis.
- Measurements for cultural heritage.
- Electrochemical measurements and corrosion.
Submission deadlines:
- March 31, 2022: Deadline for submission of abstracts.
- April 30, 2022: Notification of authors on acceptance of abstracts.
- June 15, 2022: Deadline for submission of full paper.
- July 15, 2022: Notification on final acceptance and required corrections.
- October 1, 2022: Deadline for “camera-ready papers”.
- October 9, 2022: Deadline for authors’ registration payment.
- October 10, 2022: Deadline for sending the presentation.
After the Conference, selected authors will have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their papers to ‘Measurement: Sensors’ (Elsevier) or to ‘Acta IMEKO’. Elsevier will offer a 100% APC waiver for all papers accepted in the Special Issue in ‘Measurement: Sensors’. All extended papers submitted to the two journals will undergo the usual peer-review process.
For all updates please visit:
IMEKO TC11 Conference: Measurement for a BetterLife
The future presents itself today with a diversity of challenges and opportunities associated with scientific and technological development with a high impact on society. There is an expectation of new materials, products and services of which safety and quality must be ensured. This implies a decisive role for the sector that involves testing, inspection and certification (TIC Industry); decisive for the quality of life that is intended to be achieved.
Accepted and presented full-papers will be submitted for inclusion in Scopus after the event.
Call for Papers:
To take part in the challenges of science it is necessary to take an active part in the process of research and technological development which, in today’s world, implies participating in events where the sharing of ideas and discussion of emerging themes is fundamental.
Therefore, we invite you to participate in this event by submitting papers that discuss issues of common interest and to present innovative work in the context of the TIC Industry (Testing, Inspection and Certification). We eagerly await your input and the sharing of knowledge that will result from this conference.
Conference topics:
- Management systems and quality in the TIC sector (Testing, Inspection and Certification).
- Regulatory framework for quality, safety and security of products and services (agri-food; environment; health; cybersecurity; communication; construction; IoT; AI; among others).
- Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies.
- Innovation and validation of methods in testing, calibration, inspection and certification.
- Sampling activities related to measurement in the TIC Sector.
- Metrological traceability, measurement uncertainty and conformity assessment in TIC Sector.
- Proficiency testing schemes, inter-laboratory, intra-laboratory comparisons and other methods of quality assurance.
- Certification of reference materials and its use in laboratories.
- Certification of products, processes, management systems and persons.
- Management of information using the LIMS concept.
- Promotion of the cooperation with other international associations and with IMEKO TC’s.
Submission deadlines:
- March 31, 2022: Deadline for submission of abstracts.
- April 30, 2022: Notification of authors on acceptance of abstracts.
- June 15, 2022: Deadline for submission of full paper.
- July 15, 2022: Notification on final acceptance and required corrections.
- October 1, 2022: Deadline for “camera-ready papers”.
- October 9, 2022: Deadline for authors’ registration payment.
- October 10, 2022: Deadline for sending the presentation.
After the Conference selected authors will have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their papers to ‘Measurement: Sensors’ (Elsevier) or to ‘Acta IMEKO’. Elsevier will offer a 100% APC waiver for all papers accepted in the Special Issue in ‘Measurement: Sensors’. All extended papers submitted to the two journals will undergo the usual peer-review process.
For all updates please visit: