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41st MATADOR Conference and Launch of AMPI

15th – 17th September

Headline Sponsor:                                                                          Sponsor:



MATADOR Day 1: Launch of the Advanced Machinery & Productivity Initiative

Hybrid event, Manchester, 15th September 2021

The Advanced Machinery & Productivity Initiative (AMPI) will be established in Rochdale, Manchester to become the UK centre for innovation in machinery technologies, and form a hub for associated specialisms and supply chains for precision components, control systems, advanced software development, Industry 4.0, digital systems and intelligent networks. The consortium behind AMPI has just secured £22.6M funding from the UK Research & Innovation’s flagship Strength in Places Fund.

AMPI will be launched on Wednesday 15th September, and will mark the first day of the MATADOR Conference.

This industry-focussed day will be held in-person at The University of Manchester and in compliance with any COVID guidance in place at the time.

The programme comprises:

  • A series of distinguished keynote speakers from industry and academia.
  • An Industrial Forum session for exhibitors to launch their new products or present about their services and technologies. The growing exhibitor list currently includes Renishaw Plc, National Physical Laboratory, Loxham Precision, CPI, Aerotech Ltd, and others to be confirmed shortly.
  • A Networking Forum combined with a drinks reception in the evening, sponsored by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL).

You can view the detailed programme here (opens in PDF format).

Interested organisations are invited to attend as delegates (£225) or exhibitors (£295). The delegate registration includes breakfast, lunch and refreshments, and the opportunity to attend all the keynotes and the Networking Forum.

Exhibitors can additionally benefit from a presentation slot at the Industrial Forum session and a table top to display their materials/products in the exhibitor area. Follow this link to register


MATADOR Days 2 and 3

Virtual Event, 16th and 17th September 2021

Running every two years since 1959, MATADOR is one of the longest-running and most prestigious global academic conferences in the field of manufacturing technology. AMPI is delivering this year’s MATADOR jointly with its traditional organiser, The University of Manchester.

The two virtual days will host distinguished academics from around the world as keynote speakers. Additionally, over 50 abstracts have been accepted for presentation in parallel sessions throughout the two days. You can view the full programme here (opens in PDF format).

There are very few presentation slots still available, and we anticipate they will be taken by the end of August. Academics and R&D industrialists are encouraged to submit abstracts via this link as soon as possible.

You can register to attend Day 1 in-person, which also entitles you to attend the virtual Days 2 & 3.

Alternatively, you can register to virtually attend days 1, 2 and 3.

Researchers may submit abstracts for presentations that take place on Days 2 & 3.

Visit the registration page for more details.