At its meeting on 5 December 2017 Council decided that it would be appropriate to review our EUROLAB membership and subsequently at its meeting on 2 May 2018 decided to seek the views of the wider BMTA membership. BMTA was a founder member of EUROLAB in 1990 and has been very active in the organisation ever since. EUROLAB membership now accounts for 14.4% of BMTA’s annual expenditure and we need to ensure that this represents good value for money. Furthermore, there is a lack of clarity what BMTA’s membership status will be post Brexit as at present only members of the EU, EFTA, or EEA can be Active Members of EUROLAB. The attached paper sets out the issues and background to them.
Members are asked to consider whether:
– Membership of EUROLAB adds value or is of benefit to their own companies or organisations
– Represents good value for money for BMTA members;
– BMTA should continue to be a member of EUROLAB in 2019
– They would pay BMTA an additional fee to contribute to the cost of EUROLAB membership.
Please submit your response to the BMTA Secretariat by 31 July. (
Council will then consider them and form a view on BMTA’s continued membership of EUROLAB at its next meeting on 5 September 2018.